The terminal is one of the most important tools in Lethal Company, as it is necessary to select a destination, buy supplies, get information about in-game creatures, places, and things, and more. It is a large, interactable computer with monitor and keyboard inside the autopilot ship.
The terminal is rather liberal in what it accepts for input. Many commands can be shortened (e.g. C for CONFIRM, D for DENY), syntax order can be switched up, and it even accepts some misspellings.
List of all keywords[]
Keyword | Description |
[Special code] | To access secure doors or other equipment remotely. Just type the code. For example: "E9" |
BESTIARY | To see the list of wildlife on record |
BUY [item] [Item] |
To order tools from the Company Store. Order tools in bulk by typing a number |
To confirm an action |
DECOR | To see the Company Store's selection of decor |
To deny an action |
EJECT | To eject all crew members, including yourself; must be in orbit around a moon |
FLASH [radar booster name] | To make a radar booster flash and stun monsters |
HELP | To see a list of commands |
INFO [creature name] [Creature name] |
To access a creature file |
INFO [item] | To get info on an item from the Company Store |
INFO [moon name] | To learn about any moon |
MOONS | To see the list of moons the autopilot can route to |
OTHER | To see the list of other commands |
PING [radar booster name] | To make a radar booster play a noise |
ROUTE [moon name] [Moon name] |
To route the autopilot to a moon |
SCAN | To scan for the number of items left on the current planet |
SIGURD | To access Sigurd's logs |
STORAGE | To access objects placed in storage |
STORE | To see the Company Store's selection of useful items |
SWITCH [employee name] | To switch view to a crew mate on the main monitor |
TRANSMIT [message] | To transmit a message with the signal translator |
UPGRADES | To see the Company Store's selection of ship upgrades |
[[#VIEW [log name] [Log name]]] |
To read a log |
VIEW MONITOR | To toggle on and off the main monitor's map cam |
Basic commands[]
Entering HELP lists the basic commands:
Using these keywords, the user gains access to further sub-menus or information.
Views the exomoon catalogue and their current conditions. After reaching this screen, the user can type in the moon name and will be asked for confirmation (via CONFIRM or DENY). If the user confirms, the autopilot ship will be placed in orbit around the moon, and a crew mate can pull the lever to land and begin the loot run.
Additional moon-related commands include:
- ROUTE [moon name] – routes the ship to the specified moon; asks for confirmation first (via CONFIRM or DENY); can be shortened to just typing the moon name
- INFO [moon name] – displays basic information about the specified moon, including general conditions, history, and fauna; also displayed on the main monitor for the moon being orbited
Lists the full catalogue of items available for purchase from the Company Store. Purchased equipment is delivered within the hour, or the next time the ship lands, via a rocket dropship that emit a loud, cheerful tune.
Ordering equipment during downtime at 71-Gordion can save a crew valuable time on their next moon.
Additional store-related commands include:
- BUY [item] – orders an item to be delivered to the current moon; asks for confirmation first (via CONFIRM or DENY); can be shortened to just the item name; accepts a quantity before or after the item name for ordering items in bulk (e.g. BUY 4 SHOVELS)
- INFO [item] – displays an informative blurb about equipment or ship upgrades
- UPGRADES – displays a currently outdated catalogue listing only ship upgrades
- DECOR – displays the catalogue of currently available ship decor
Opens the Bestiary. View logs of all the wildlife/entities that have been scanned.
- [Creature name] INFO – accesses a creature file; can be shortened to just [Creature name]; accepts many shortened creature names
View ship decor/upgrades that have been moved with the [B] key (by default) and stored away with the [X] key.
Lists the other commands available:
- SWITCH [Player name]
- PING [Radar booster name]
- TRANSMIT [message]
Other commands[]
Views the radar map through the terminal, removing the need to constantly run between the main monitor and the terminal while on camera duty.
SWITCH [Player name][]
Cycles the radar through the crew mates, or switches the radar to a specified player. Functions the same as the upper button on the side of the monitor.
PING [Radar booster name][]
Makes any active Radar-booster play a noise and say "Hello!". The noise it makes can be heard from a certain distance, making it useful for leading crew mates to it (such as to indicate where the exit is) or to lure Eyeless Dogs.
TRANSMIT [message][]
Uses the Signal translator to broadcast a simple message (max 9 characters) to all crew mates, useful for communicating info without Walkie-talkies while on camera duty.
Scans for the number of Items left on the current planet, and the approximate sell value. The listed value is roughly three times as much as the real sell value.
Hidden commands[]
[Special code][]
Keying in the special 2-digit codes seen on the monitor can toggle Secure Doors or temporarily disable Turrets and Landmines. Codes are on the radar map, accessible either from the main monitor or via the VIEW MONITOR command at the terminal.
Secure doors have to be powered to stay shut. Removing the apparatus from a facility or turning off a door's circuit at the Breaker Box makes secure doors inoperable from the terminal.
FLASH [Radar booster name][]
Flashes a bright light at the specified Radar-booster, stunning nearby entities and blinding crew mates who are looking at it.
Lists collected log entries left by a former employee named Sigurd. To read log entries:
- VIEW [Log name]
Initiates the disciplinary process and jettisons everything in the ship into deep space, resetting the run as if the crew had missed their profit quota. EJECT has to be confirmed by the lobby's host (via CONFIRM or DENY), and can only be done while orbiting a moon.