Lethal Company Wiki

Post-It note left by Sigurd

The Lore of Lethal Company is not well known by the community, and there are a lot of questions about The Company, the industry on the moons, the general purpose of scrap collection, and the history of the Thistle Nebula.

This page goes over everything you need to know about the lore of Lethal Company.



The autopilot ship in orbit around a gas giant

Lethal Company is set in a part of space called the Thistle Nebula, which may be part of the Fading Nebulae. Some or all of this part of space is politically divided into states[1] (see Bestiary#Old Bird). The year is sometime after 2387,[2] and humanity has been a space-faring and colonizing power for the last several hundred years.[1] The creature files in the Bestiary suggest that many mundane species from Earth were carried across the nebula by "the Boat," and they later evolved at unusual rates to yield the dangerous creatures encountered in-game. If there are any forms of life not originating from Earth, they are not mentioned in game.

The accessible exomoons span several star systems. 41-Experimentation and 220-Assurance are twin moons in close orbit around the gas giant Big Grin, and 21-Offense is an asteroid moon in the same system, splintered off from 220-Assurance only several hundred years ago after being colonized. The "Green Witches" are three moons in orbit around No Service: 20-Adamance (the largest and oldest) and the twin moons 56-Vow and 61-March. The Witches support lush ecosystems and have several colonies which mysteriously disappeared. 85-Rend and 7-Dine both orbit white dwarf stars. 8-Titan is a frozen, rocky moon of undisclosed location. 5-Embrion is thought to be the testing grounds for the Old Birds. 68-Artifice used to be teeming with life but is now abandoned, with 200+ year old weapons and classified technology scattered across various sites on the surface.

Employees of the Company bring scrap to 71-Gordion, an ocean-covered moon where the Company resides. The Company primarily communicates to its salvage teams through speakers using a "fake voice," and it outsources its phone communications to a team across the solar system.[3] Behind the wall of the Company Building is a short-tempered tentacled monstrosity, whom part of the game community has taken to calling Jeb. Sigurd's logs tell of a legendary Golden Planet that supposedly hit a meteor. Mysterious tormented screams whom Sigurd believed to be inside the Company Building said the Golden Planet was real, that it was swallowed up by "the beast," and that they were inside it.[4] Company equipment is largely supplied by Halden Electronics and F. Power Co.[5]

The Manual and Company Cruiser also is trademarked by Halden Electronics, revealing The Company's name.

Sigurds Logs[]

Data chip

One of Sigurd's data chips

There are some hints to lore scattered throughout the game, largely in the form of log entries by a former employee called Sigurd. Sigurd's logs are accessible at the ship's terminal after discovering and collecting data chips from moons. An employee can access the list of entries by keying in the word "sigurd". This code can be found on the sticky note in the ship.

Sigurd's logs are full of typos - presumably due to the keyboard not being particularly comfortable to use with the suits - whilst logs written by other crew members lack these. It is visible, however, that the frequency of these typos decreases on the later logs.

First Log - Aug 22, 1968[]

Free access at the ship's terminal

Date: August 22, 1968
Hello. i am writing this log to keep myself sane. I couldnt find a way to do the most basic thing on this old janky butt computer so I had Desmond add it in, the log feature. til now ive just been adding my own notes to the bestiary whatever i know. My brother said i should keep a journal so im doing what i can! I am writing in a proffessional manner, as these logs could become a historical record, as they will projbably be here for years, just as long as there isnt a clean wipe. that is what desmond saidfd

If you are reading it in the future, you are probably from a nother crew. The turnover rate here is enormous, maybe cause this job sucks and every one turns over dead! Maybe I can give some help when I have some expirience. End log.

Oh, our names are: Sigurd (me), Richard, Desmond, Jess.

Smells here! - Aug 24, 1968[]

Location: 220-Assurance exterior

gosh, this suit is squeezing me like I'm a gosh damn mummy! im a grown man, give it some space between the legs! it's killing me i'm dying! i hope youre happy dad, I FINALLY got a job. screw you! Everyone here smells. especially Rich. I'm going to throw him in the lake. I don't care what it's made of. i love being on camera duty. oh
I forgot the date it's August 24, 1968. this keyboard has dsadjilfasqt..f/g;

today we found a couple frying pans and a big nail. Worth almost nothing. what is the company even using it for

Swing of things - Aug 27, 1968[]

Location: 41-Experimentation exterior, water tower

we got in the "swing of things" the past few days. That's what Rich keeps saying, he smells like a rancid tuna can. worst summer camp I've ever been o n. Date is August 27, 1968.

we make sure someone always has a shovel for bashing anything that moves, and we always put someone on "camera duty" so they can open these big security doors with letters and numbers. ask Desmond the wizard how that works, I think he just types in the code that's on the door. That's it

we sold some goods to the company today at 70% value. I got m y nerves chilled listening to the fucking PYSCHOTIC sounds behind the counter. No one else gave any. ??

Cant ignore that! my flashlight didn't even go back there, the beam just went dark.

Golden planet - Aug ??, 1968[]

Location: 85-Rend, fire exit

I talked ot a voice on the walkie talkie, it was like a part of the screams. he told me the Golden planet actually existed, its not a legend. and he told me it didn't just hit a meteor. He said the planet was swallowed up by the "beast", and they were in its body being digested. I asked what the beast is, and he said he didn't know!. he said it ate the planet and they forgot everything.

I couldnt get him to stop talking. but I said he was on the other side of a big wall and I could get him out. I said he was inside the building. and that's when he started freaking out/. I couldn't make out a word, I think he said something about "spitting out the rinds" So I just turned it off. what a wack

Jess says the golden planet is just a story. I said I KNOW, I'm not an idiot. Well she said I should quit, and she quits if I do. so she s staying

Shady - Aug 31, 1968[]

Location: 41-Experimentation exterior, pipe

date is August 31, 1968. I got camera duty again, I hate walking on this moon anyway. ahah jokes on them it, just started raining!!! I'm just sitting. cant sleep on these tiny beds for ants

I've been thinking a lot. I think this job is shady. If you're reading this you probably got here the same as me. the pay is good, the contract only lasts a season. they ran you through their "assessment exam" on the phone with a weird voice. you signed the contract on the shuttle with the rest of your crew. But the whole time you didn't talk to anyone. The shuttle was autopiloted, I think the voice on the phone was fake. I've had the worst dreams, I think I just want to go back home. but I'm not gonna crawl home, crying and scratching on dad's front door. that's not his son. that's not Sigurd!

Sound behind the wall - Sep 4, 1968[]

Location: 71-Gordion, catwalk

date: September 4, 1968

I got woken up early this morning because we were going to the company building to sell our useless garbage. The rate was 120% which Desmond says is rare and he didn't want to miss it, he's been watching it like the stupid stocks.

it still sucks here, Rich still smells like a piece of shit .I can barely sleep. I heard the worst sound behind the wall of the company building, it sounded like crying red faces all churned up and swept away by concrete, like the pestle and bowl my mom crushes up her seeds and spices in. I still hear it. Its a nightmare. no one else heard it. they don't know what to do. Jess thinks I'm "home sick," no I'm sick of this cheap suit

Goodbye - Sep 7, 1968[]

Location: 61-March exterior, south fire exit

we left behind Rich. we just had one room to check and then we could be done for the day, I couldn't get the door open. And then I looked and Rich wasn't there. It was the fucking wrinkly skin flower head man that walks on two legs! it turned his neck. I heard the crack but he wasn't there. I wanted to find Rich even if he was dead, but they are cowards! their faces are blank like idiots, there's nothing moving in their stupid skulls, all they wanted to do is leave. they were going to leave me too. we all hated Rich but we didn't want this. this isn't worth it, its just not worth it. we got a pair of scissors, a box full of stamps and a bundle of cords to sell for nothing. its not wort h it, what does the company even want it for?

the date we last saw Rich is September 7, 1968

Screams - Sep 13, 1968[]

Location: 56-Vow dam, on the parapet wall

date: September 13, 1968

for some reason I was the one who had to call the company number to report the accident. they were too scared to do it. It was the same fake voice I remember from the interview on the phone at home and the stupid training videos. but it heard what I said I think, cause it said they would contact the family and find a replacement and something else. It talked so fast.

I learned you can hear the screams all the time in the walkie talkie when you're at the wall of the Company building. they didn't believe me, well now they do. It sounds just like when I heard it a couple weeks ago. They want to quit. I said I'm not a coward. I just got this jo

Idea - Sep 18, 1968[]

Location: 85-Rend, on the hill behind the cabin

date: September 18, 1968

the past weekend it feels like Desmond and Jess woke up. we're supposed to get our fourth member of the crew in a few days. We aren't taking any risks anymore, we don't get as much but it feels safer, and I've gotten better sleep. but its still ass. I can still smell Rich I swear to gosh he smelled that bad

I was talking about how the voice on the phone sounded fake. Then Desmond got this weird idea. he's the wizard and all so he thinks there's a way to use the phone call I made to the company number to find out where the voice comes from. I don't know why he would want to do that but he seems serious. He's been using the terminal a lot

Nonsense - Sep 27, 1968[]

Location: 85-Rend, far beyond the fire exit

September 27, 1968

Desmond wants me to writ e down what we figured out and keep my "nonsense to a minimum". So I'm going to put SO MUCH of my non sense. screw him. The new crew member is named Lucas and he is so confused and scared all the time, what a baby, at least he doesn't smell like a monster.

its been so sunny even though its September, and these suits don't take it well

ok so Desmond "traced the call" and found out there's a group of people somewhere else that pretends to call us from the company building. they are across the whole solar system !! why would they be so far away.

Desmond says he doesn't know, but I think. What if there really is a big monster in the company building like the voice told me on the walkie talkie? They trapped it, and we feed it to keep it tame. I just wanted a stupid job!!!!

Hiding - Sep 30, 1968[]

Location: 7-Dine, in front of and right of the fire exit atop a small hill

September 30, 1968

I keep having bad dreams about the Company building where the Company breaks out of that giant concrete wall. But I don't know if it looks like anything, I just think its really big and fast. We cant figure out a way to know if the voices on the phone are real, Desmond says its too far away. I asked him if he could take control of the autopilot and he said I'm crazy and that could kill us. yes I am crazy Desmond

he says we would have to get our own private flight to go to the coordinates, and who knows what would actually be there. So, what if its nothing?

I started wondering how I cant remember how we really got here, no I just remember little things like the shuttle flight to the building where we signed our contracts. But I don't remember getting on the shuttle, I don't even remember saying bye to dad. in my dreams it feels like the company isn't trapped in there at all, its just hiding. I don't know if I'm going home

Real Job - Oct 1, 1968[]

Location: 8-Titan, atop the main entrance

date: October 1st, 1968 were out of snacks and lemonade packets again. desmond thinks stun grenades are “more beneficial” well if he puts off ordering my stuff for another day, im going to take a shit on the control lever and ask him what he thinks about his stun grenades then. Desmond don’t read this

i know im not the wizard but I guess im the computer guy again today. every time i go outside on vow they say i get pale like im dead, so they put me on screen duty. they think i got soft or something. whatever, Lucas is the scared one. good luck keeping him from losing his freaking mind. i could stroll out at night like its my backyard !! Its just that i saw Rich on a hill. he was over on the other side of the river. but that was three days ago. Im not scared, its just getting cold outside. I think they jus want me to have screen duty every day and they all set on an excuse.

i miss dad. i hope he isn’t staying on titan. people are saying its not going to look the same in two years. jess told us they are about to go to war and everyone is waiting for it. every time we go to sell, the company building is shaking like theres a loud furnace inside. they are too afraid to quit. we can barely sleep to meet the quota, and it gets worse every time. god, i feel like im being squeezed through a needle. i wish we could go back . it was better working for dad even when i got nothing, just daily allowance. i liked when he would drive us out of town to see the waterfall and we walked up those old wooden stairs. i just wanted a real job

Desmond - Oct 15, 1968[]

Location: 8-Titan, atop the big pipe

Desmond. October 15, 1968. I am encrypting these logs to keep them hidden, as I fear the system will be wiped if they are found. It's all a guise. We're supposed to think it's all just a transaction, but our real job is keeping an incredible terror fed. How long until its fullness ends and its hunger is insatiable? God knows, maybe it has to do with all these desolate moons. Whoever reads this, I am sorry to burden you with this. Please have a good day and night--as what else is there for us to do



"Lethal Company Complete Lore" by yefeyks

  1. 1.0 1.1 Bunker Spider creature file
  2. In the Old Bird's Bestiary entry (here), in 2384 there was a song released called "Old Birds" and 3 years later there was a street art piece with the same name showing flying robots. In the game, the robots in the Bestiary are called Old Birds. That means that this game takes some time after the art piece was made which was in 2387.
  3. Log "Nonsense - Sep 27, 1968"
  4. Log "Golden planet - Aug ??, 1968"
  5. "BG IG, A System-Act Ally Copyright (C) 2084-2108, Halden Electronics Inc." -- terminal-style start-up to the game. The manual also refers to Halden Electronics


  • Logging into the terminal on day 0 as you are hired will reveal the date/time as Tue, 3-7-2532 8:03:32.15. Which in the RFC 2822 Date Format, this means it's Tuesday, July 3rd, 2532.
    • The day of week is incorrect, because following standard time projection, the day would actually be a Thursday, Tuesday being the 1st of July.